MBS Textile Pvt. Ltd.

Caring for the environment

Energy savings in tanneries through solar energy use (solar water heating) and electrical performance improvement.

Meeting sustainability targets and reducing energy consumption in Our Industry

Our Efforts Towards Sustainibility

Over the years, we have created a business model that put the environment and the social aspects first; that inspires a sustainable development through targeted investments, constant attention to people to the production processes and to the impact on the environment.

Our commitment to the environment and respect for people to build a better world for the new generations. Every day.”

Why Choose us

Respecting the environment : Our foremost responsibilty​

High Durability

Our products are long lasting thanks to sophisticated design and quality assurance.

Consistent Quality

Decades of technical experience and wide range of testing facilities ensure consistent quality.

Excellent prices across all qualities

High quality to budget freidly products - we are your partner in all cases.

High Customer Satisfaction

Our long standing clients worldwide are testimony of our reliability.

High Flexibility with MOQ

We cater multiple products also at small order sizes.

Reliable and fast deliver

Multiple plants across India allow for fast and reliable delivery.


MBS Textile production network is characterized by clean, secure, and flexible operations, scaled to suit growing customer needs. We constantly strive to reduce the environmental impact of our operations while increasing the positive impact we have in our communities. We ensure that we implement environmentally sound methods and technology.